Dyskusja o KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How to survive a Knife attack (part 3 of 4)

- Opinie i zdania tu macie
- Congratulations
- Ottimo video 
- Gosto de jiu Jitsu. Mas sou fa do krav magay
- Gostei muito!!!
- scary knife attack at the beginning. I think there's no defence against it. I don't think there's a solution to all situations, aside from awarness.
- yeah because if you wanted to stab someone you are going to make it frontpage news before you stab him ... fuckksake if you wanted to stab someone do it out of nothing so he wont be able to block. wich is already a huge risk on its own :P
- i agree with some of the material these guys have however i strongly disagree with these guys on how they handle knife attacks... why are they not making the knife the MAIN FOCUS? Both hands should be totally committed to taking control of the opponents knife hand.... no matter what. On a stronger person using one hand won't be enough to safely control the attackers knife hand and while you are using the other to attack the guy most likely got his hand free and/or cut you in the process. This is not the movies, this is real life and these techniques are going to get people hurt in an actual situation.... first and only focus is controlling that knife hand with both of your hands. Please take this into consideration, like a previous poster said "real life is different than the dojo".
- hey i have a question, when you deflect the guys arm and catch hold of it, wont his most natural reaction be to swing his free arm at me? how do i prevent that? and knif attacks ive seen are very rapid like short small jabs! by the time i get to holding the arm, its already retracted!or is it just cus i am slower? 
- Better nor pencak silat. Weird martial art ever seen
- lol give me the knife ill make sushi out of this dumbass. A genius once told me if the guy isn't showing you how to fight with a knife hes lying to you when he says he can teach you knife defence.
- I have a question, is he speaking in portuguese?
- I know I'm not the only one who thinks that these guys and fine as fuck 
- Salve: sono una ragazza di 29 anni e a scuola ho sempre subito il bullismo, ma anche ora mi ritrovo in situazioni spiacevoli, per fortuna senza esiti gravi, da cui sono sempre uscita evitando il conflitto diretto o con la fuga. Vorrei fare un corso di autodifesa per imparare a guadagnare tempo per trovare la via di fuga (non posso sempre affidarmi al caso). Soffro di ipotonicità muscolare e non apprendo subito i movimenti giusti (sono molto scoordinata): posso imparare ugualmente un'arte marziale? Dalla vostra esperienza in strada, quanto vi sono servite le vostre conoscenze marziali? Dal video si nota che bisogna fare una serie di movimenti precisi, ma in un'aggressione reale si riesce a mettere in pratica?
- shooooooooooow
- its so super,and i like it like crazy.
- sei bravissino e spieghi sempre molto bene...complimenti
- i would stab the shit out of those guys if i was trying, id just cut his arms up til shock sets in... lol jk 
- Więcej ciekawych sesja ciążowa – Lublin – tu: http://www.marzenaknosala.pl

Dane szczegółowe:

Tytuł: KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How to survive a Knife attack (part 3 of 4).
Oglądalność: 279667.
Czas: 7m 33s w s.
Ocena: 1606 w punktach, wyższa lepiej.
Zobacz: nic nie ma do tej walki.

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