Dyskusja o KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How to survive a Knife attack (part 2 of 4)

- Opinie i zdania tu macie
- Thats not gonna work.The attacker can always move back and slash you when you close the distance. I wanna see this guy do these techniques at full speed with  the attacker wearing a helmet.Nobody will stab you in the same manner each time.They'll just throw a flurry of random slashes.
- 8:05  e se è troppo pesante?
- Also at 5:00, when you have your attacker in that position take your elbow and hit them where the joint is and thrust their arm up at the same time. This'll create a strain on their arm and if you do it hard enough you could possibly dislocate his arm
- 6:20 nut shot!
- Love to spend more time with your videos but can't read text.  Don't know what you're saying.
- um canal a qual a pessoa se aprende a se defender
- Awesome dude :) 
- What if the weight differential is so great you can't lift your attacker? Is there a variation for that situation?
- Se ven muy masculinos.,pero al final usan la tècnica de arrimarse el Kamaròn..,
: )
- These techniques are last ditch efforts so that you may survive long enough to get your weapon out or escape if you have the luxury  "maybe". You should not be involved in a knife fight on purpose unless you are cornered and have no more ammo for your pistola.
- I think better to disarm first and destroy it... I don't know how but may be... some better technique finds out
- what if he stabb on the hand you are blocking with?
- I'm not convinced by the last technique- it seems quite complicated: blocking/couterstricking, grabing the attackers wrist, passing him round the back and throwing...A lot things to do. Are you guys sure this is the most effective way in a scenario like this? I know KravMaga is a creative system- could you propose another solution to the stab/grab by the neck problem?
I really like the way you teach.
- qualcuno sa se è possibile vedere da qualche parte le tecniche di krav maga in una situazione reale o di combattimento? se si me le linkate per favore?. thx!
- Humm question what if your opponent is either way bigger or way smaller than you?
- ottime tecniche spiegate molto bene come sempre difesa da coltello pero e molto complessa e richiede anni di pratica
- It would've been nice if you explained at 7:20 what would you do if you can't throw your attacker to the ground (for example he's too big/heavy to carry). Otherwise good tutorial vid, I'm looking forward to part 3. :)
- Come difendere un calcio di turno?
- why not grab his hand , deliver an aikido twist and get rid of the knife ?
- Więcej ciekawych nie ma już?

Dane szczegółowe:

Tytuł: KRAV MAGA TRAINING • How to survive a Knife attack (part 2 of 4).
Oglądalność: 148995.
Czas: 8m 52s w s.
Ocena: 1141 w punktach, wyższa lepiej.
Zobacz: busy do anglii.

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