Dyskusja o KRAV MAGA Slovakia

- Opinie i zdania tu macie
- ten americky warning na na uzemi SR je best :D
- :'( This is so shit, :'(
- možem sa opitať kde trenujete Krav Magu ? :)
- nechcu peskovat ale divím se že vám nezablokovali video za copyright za tu muziku v scéně s zbraní v realném životě 
- i think that posting this video on youtube infringes the copyright shown in the first seconds, doesn't it? LOL
- My teacher practice Krav Maga
- Kde to bolo natacane ?
- Great work.  Love the acting.  Top guy`s.
- 9.22 - Toto nebolo nutne.
11:55 - Teda by už začal začal strelit'.
12:22 - NIEEE! Nechali zbrane len tak v dostupnosti ktovie komu!
- krav maga is the before deth  is possible
- I liked this. This was a really cool demo reel. Love to train with you guys sometime. Rock On!
- Krav maga el arma humana una buena defensa en espacio cortos defensa i equilibrio 
- Nice kickbox during the training, nice gimmicks in the video in the end.
This is not Krav-Maga, though.
I've been training KM for about 4 years now and I'm concerned about some things the trainer said. Krav maga competitions? In Israel? I find that hard to believe.
Even if you watch a show as popular as "The Human Weapon" (S1), Krav Maga is the exception where the fighters don't get a "match", they get a self-defence challenge. Why? Because Krav-Maga is a compendium of survival techniques. Not a martial art and not a blood sport.
If anyone asks you to "compete" i Krav-Maga, please be sane and walk away.
- no to je demence :D
- Krav maga its really good but this video... looks like shite, looks like too fake
- ked uz ste taki fanatici a znalci krav maga stylu :)) .. tak by ste mohli vediet ze krav maga vznikla v Bratislave na Slovensku .. kde sa Imro Lichtenfeld narodil a vyrastal ... a az ked bol dospely ako 30rocny priniesol toto svoje umenie do izraela ked tam usiel z Bratislavy pred nacistami v 1940... 
- Krav Maga is really good the gyms that don't advertise it in movie scenarios. And actually do it properly. 
- fuck israel
- KRAV MAGA Slovakia
- Więcej ciekawych serwis komputerowy

Dane szczegółowe:

Tytuł: KRAV MAGA Slovakia.
Oglądalność: 1629123.
Czas: 13m 42s w s.
Ocena: 4416 w punktach, wyższa lepiej.
Zobacz: nic nie ma do tej walki.

Wasza ocena: