Dyskusja o Karate Techniques

- Opinie i zdania tu macie
- Well what ever it is h have up on it
- Kinda good but I give up on kung foo 
- Great👍
- Just come out punching with boxing , do not show much of anything. Thailand really try to sting you.
- These may be good techniques, but you can never learn just by watching something like this, to preform such moves, a series of other exercises are required, quick reaction speed, strong reflexs etc. Plus, these are highly dangerous moves and should never be used in tournaments or against bullies at school. The basics are enough to take down one person, if you know how to properly use them.
- Guys the bullies in my school I can now beat up thank you so much for this video now I'm going to practice even more
- 0:51 bullshit. This just helps avoid pain associated with snapping punches.
- Lots of stretching, then find yourself a good club. 
- Good
- Thx this helped me a lot 
- I love karate.Hiya. lol
- يا خي تمسخيرة ياخي ، تحيا المطرق صاحبي .
- You don't have permission to punch the back part of the head...
- Nice and cool to ninja
- I just love karate
- "It's like getting whacked in the head with a louiseville slugger" dem marketing techniques.
- C'est une bonne vidéo qui me donne beaucoup envie de reprendre le karaté
- punches at least
- i like how none of these are to the head. thats all street fighters care about
- What's this show called
- Więcej ciekawych nie ma już?

Dane szczegółowe:

Tytuł: Karate Techniques.
Oglądalność: 437514.
Czas: 1m 54s w s.
Ocena: 1548 w punktach, wyższa lepiej.
Zobacz: nic nie ma do tej walki.

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