Dyskusja o Final Male Kumite -75kg. Luigi Busa vs Rafael Aghayev. World Karate Championships 2012

- Opinie i zdania tu macie
- WKF should make the rules closer to Renbukai, it would be more interesting for the general public and the chance to hit Olympics would be bigger.
- bune amk!
- ridicul
- ZZZZzzZZZzzzzzz
- C'est pas du karaté, c'est de la danse de salon ! Pas assez d'engagements dans leur combat !
- Really boring fight, this is not martial art, this is dancing
- recently they fought again in the final match of the european games..Rafael won..
- wasting of time ..
- Nada mas bailan 
- Okinawan Karate, Kyokushin and it's many offshoots are better than this shite. This doesn't even look good.
- Esta chido
- What do you say when you enter the Dojo? First lesson and I forgot 
- Fuck karate and fuck wwf and boxing! UFC only and beer with pizza and spagetti and cheezeburgers! 
- はやー

- Final Male Kumite -75kg. Luigi Busa vs Rafael Agh…: http://youtu.be/a4lX0fKDTD8
- best dance ever love it why is there no lady gaga song in the background?
- sophya
- Więcej ciekawych nie ma już?

Dane szczegółowe:

Tytuł: Final Male Kumite -75kg. Luigi Busa vs Rafael Aghayev. World Karate Championships 2012.
Oglądalność: 1304898.
Czas: 6m 41s w s.
Ocena: 2275 w punktach, wyższa lepiej.
Zobacz: nic nie ma do tej walki.

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