Dyskusja o Duel Of The Tao Tough 1981 English Dubbed - kung fu movies

- Opinie i zdania tu macie
- hahahahaha the levil laughs!
- Duel Of The Tao Tough 1981 English Dubbed - kung fu movies: http://youtu.be/VT9WRzV12YQ
- 53:17 - "DAMN YOUU,... damn you."
- dam she  stole his  balls and  he  had tio beg  for them  back .............. been like that since  adam and  eve
- The last fight.
- Santa with a swastika headband is pretty corny even in a KF movie
- good movie but tthe main guy was like to stiff in acting.beside that good movie
- vn movie..how is the name of first actor?
- thanks. that is exactly how i fight btw lolol
- Thanks for uploading.
- very very good
- not bad.not bad at all
- tui nah tai dji hai
- chun gong chun gong si quan bi linn ya zuo ya sen zai
- gu shu yen lao wu te goa shu cing zhang quan hai zen zai
- Więcej ciekawych nie ma już?

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Tytuł: Duel Of The Tao Tough 1981 English Dubbed - kung fu movies.
Oglądalność: 123169.
Czas: m s w s.
Ocena: 214 w punktach, wyższa lepiej.
Zobacz: nic nie ma do tej walki.

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